Exploring the Circuit of Success: Embracing the 7 Winning Work Habits for any Trade


At Contractor Staffing Source, we consistently endeavor to bring to light the most insightful and informative resources to support your journey within the construction industry. With great enthusiasm, we highlight an inspiring blog by Neil Peterson that explores “7 Winning Work Habits for an Electrician.” This guide doesn’t just outline the technical intricacies of being […]

How to Leverage Hiring for Team Success in 2024: Setting and Achieving Goals

In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, the significance of a cohesive and competent team cannot be overstated. As we venture into 2024, Contractor Staffing Source, renowned for being the world’s largest recruiting company dedicated exclusively to residential and commercial construction firms, stands at the forefront of empowering businesses like yours. Our goal is […]

Paul Sanneman
Founder & President

With over 40 years of experience, Paul has created several business coaching companies and consulted more than 400 construction companies. Contractor Staffing Source is the product of this experience and his most profound inspiration, as well as a solution to the most common issue his clients face; finding good people. Paul’s dedication to working with residential contractors stems from his belief that they are the most exciting and ethical business owners. He is passionate about helping them build successful teams so they can make more money in less time and have more FUN. Paul holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Education. He studied metaphysics as a post graduate and has facilitated and attended numerous seminars in personal growth and business success over the years. Check out Paul’s latest album with the Beach Road Band, Mostly for Kids.